But it warned several headwinds would mitigate the effect of the falling cost of crude. 不过,该行警告说,几大不利因素会抵消原油价格下跌的影响。
World food prices hit a record high in February as the cost of crude oil was driven up by political instability in the Middle East and North Africa. 今年2月,由于中东及北非政局不稳,原油价格升高,导致粮食价格又破高峰纪录。
This distinction matters because unconventional crude has a higher cost than conventional crude, while NGLs have a lower energy density. 区分新增部分的不同来源很重要,因为非常规原油的成本高于常规原油,而天然气凝析液的能量密度低于常规原油。
In its first meeting, the new cabinet said yesterday it would allow domestic fuel prices to reflect the cost of crude as of June 1, and take a similar move for electricity prices from July. 新内阁昨日首次开会时表示,从6月1日起,将允许岛内燃油价格将反映原油价格;7月起,也将对电力价格采取同样措施。
In most countries the cost of crude oil now accounts for a smaller share of the price of petrol than it did in the1970s. 与70年代相比,现在多数国家的原油价格占汽油价格的份额要小很多。
Meanwhile, the cost of crude oil production also surged in Saudi Arabia, the world's largest exporter of crude oil, making stabilization of international oil prices less likely. 与此同时,世界上最大的原油出口国&沙特阿拉伯的原油生产成本激增,使得维持国际油价稳定变得更加不太可能。
It trades a large amount of Russian oil, but hedging instruments such as Brent and West Texas Intermediate futures reflect the cost of crude in Europe and the US. 该公司买卖大量俄罗斯石油,但布伦特(brent)、西德克萨斯中质原油期货(wti)等对冲工具反映的是欧美原油的价格。
Its refining operations also continued to lose money as retail gasoline prices remain capped at levels below which refiners cannot recoup the rising cost of crude. 此外,由于政府一直限制汽油零售价,炼油厂不能弥补原油价格上涨所带来的影响,因此,该公司的炼油业务继续处于亏损状态。
The cost of producing raw materials, particularly crude oil but also some metals and minerals, has increased significantly over the past decade. 过去10年,原材料(特别是石油,还包括一些金属和矿产)的生产成本一直大幅上涨。
Raw data; the raw cost of production; only the crude vital statistics. 原始数据;生产的原始耗费;只有没有处理过的人口统计结果。
At current levels, naphtha, a by-product of crude oil, is trading well below the cost of crude, a highly unusual phenomenon. 按目前的水平,原油副产品石脑油的交易价格远低于原油价格,这是非常不正常的现象。
Steelmakers could use the swap market to hedge the cost of iron ore, in a similar way to oil companies hedging the cost of crude for their refineries. 钢铁制造商可以利用掉期市场对冲铁矿石成本,就像石油公司为自己的炼油厂对冲原油成本一样。
An example shows that with the revision of oil refining cost, a potential of 20 yuan may be tapped for every ton of crude oil refined domestically. 通过一个例子表明,当炼油加工费指标改进后,国内炼油厂加工每吨原油节能增效的潜力为20元。
This kind of pumping machine is reliable and durable, but there are also several defects such as unreasonable speed, bad balance effect, large electric energy waste and high cost of crude oil. 游梁式抽油机可靠耐用,但是存在运动速度不合理、平衡效果不好、浪费大量电能、增加原油生产成本等缺点。
An economic analysis of processing cost of imported crude oil processed in Shanghai Petrochemical co., ltd 磨削加工上海石化进口原油加工费用的实例分析橄榄球的加工
At the same time, the difficulties brought to the follow-up refine process and cost control due to the low-grade crude cadmium are also analyzed. It is thought to be necessary and practical to enhance the grade of crude cadmium. 同时分析了粗镉品位低给后续精炼和成本控制带来的困难,认为提高粗镉品位是必要也是可行的。
The transportation cost of waxy crude oil pipeline consists of power and fuel consumption. 含蜡原油管道输送成本主要由动力消耗和燃料消耗两项组成。
From the reinforced cost management, it analyzed the characteristic of the crude oil unit cost, and the stepped grey model of the crude oil unit production cost was established. 从加强成本管理的角度出发,分析了原油单位生产成本特点,建立了原油单位生产成本的阶跃灰色模型。
On the basis of positive research, the article analyzes the basic thinking and operational mechanism of crude oil target cost management and puts forward implementation steps of crude oil target cost management as well as relevant measures. 在实证研究的基础上,分析了原油目标成本管理的基本思路及运行机制,提出了原油目标成本管理的实施步骤及相应措施。
The basic strategy for Chinese petroleum companies to sharpen their competitive edge is cost reduction, regardless of changes in current and future prices for crude oil and petroleum products. 无论目前及今后原油与成品油价格如何变化,通过降低成本来提高市场竞争力,应是国内石油企业的基本策略。
Employing the theory and method of Financing Accounting Cost Control, we are able to prepare the crude oil cost controlling method. 二是应用财务会计成本控制的理论与方法,研究制定辽河油田原油生产成本控制方法。
The result showed that the livestock production cost was higher in Beijing because of its highest cost of labor and crude materials than in its neighboring provinces by comparing the composition of cost. 研究结果表明,北京畜牧生产成本与邻近省市相比处于劣势,其中物质费用和用工作价都是最高的。
To reduce its transport cost, crude oil importers are urgent to find out an economic transport network. 原油进口公司对于如何合理安排运输线路来降低进口运输费用的问题非常关注。
Nowadays sucker rod pump oil recovery is the most widely used in the domestic heavy oil reservoir. Because the system efficiency is very low generally, the cost of oil production is increased and the economic benefit of crude oil production is decreased. 目前我国多数的稠油油藏以有杆泵举升工艺为主,由于系统效率普遍偏低,从而增加了原油开采的成本,降低了原油生产的经济效益。
Lots of methods used to paraffin-controlling are great in energy consumption, or high in cost, or need stoping well operations, or affect the physical properties of crude oil, and the effect is limited, can not eliminate the wax deposition fundamentally. 常用的清防蜡方法或耗能大、成本高,或需停井作业,或影响原油的物性,且防蜡效果不明显,不能从根本上消除蜡沉积。